Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

The interconnected enclosures. One of the double-course walls of Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Southwest. The remains of a funerary superstructure. Looking west from the site. Another perspective of the site, highlighting the well-built double-course slab wall of the south side of the enclosure. Looking east from the site. Note the especially well-preserved double-course slab wall of the north side of the enclosure. The site’s tallest pillars. The remains of the west wall paralleling the row of standing stones.
The pillar of Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Southwest. Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Southwest from the east. Note the small elevated structure west of the enclosure. One of the broken pillars, Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Northeast. Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Southwest from the west. A close-up of one of the pillars, Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Northeast. The row of pillars at Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Northeast from the west. The pillars of Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Northeast from the south. The pillars of Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Northeast from the east. Note the rock-strewn ground of the enclosure behind the pillars.
An enclosure with a multi-course perimeter wall subdivided into various cells. A slab-wall enclosure subdivided into various cells. An enclosure exhibiting a multi-course slab wall. The remains of a double-course slab-wall enclosure. The two so-called möndur (<i>mon dur</i>) transformed into <i>maṇi</i> walls. A double-course slab-wall fragment. A cubic tomb reduced to its foundation. The pillars of Naklhé Doring (<i>nag lhas rdo ring</i>) Northeast.
The central depository of a west slope tomb. A west slope cubic tomb. The conical mountain underlying the burial structures. The two east slope cubic tombs. The better preserved south summit cubic tomb, overlooking the Drijiu (<i>’bri byi’u</i>). Local guide posing next to the better preserved south summit cubic tomb. Note the way in which the structure has partially collapsed. The conical mountain on the skyline (left side of image) is Nyukri (<i>smyug ri</i> [E-13]). An east slope cubic tomb. The better preserved south summit cubic tomb. Note the smaller specimen in the background.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
