Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

A wall belonging to interconnected enclosures. A quadrate enclosure. A double-course wall with one course of upright stones and one course of stones laid flat, forming the common wall of two enclosures. The site, with Mount Chupur Dopur (<i>chu phur rdo phur</i>) in the background. An enclosure exhibiting upright stones and flush stones in its wall courses. One of the enclosures, with the local guide and members of the survey team. In the background Tongtso (<i>stong mtsho</i>) can just be made out. The corner of an enclosure. The juncture of various enclosures.
The upper east complex is in the foreground. To the right, the other two east complexes are visible. A close-up of pillars in the west complex. The lower east complex. The central east complex. The appended edifice of the west complex. Note the well-formed walls of the central chamber. Part of the pillar array of the west complex. The west complex. The east wall of the enclosure. Note the stones running perpendicular to the wall course.
The single intact pillar. The large enclosure among the upper superficial structures. The single intact pillar. The pillar and enclosure. Note the opening in the east wall (foreground). Funerary structure FS5. Note the cubic tomb and subsidiary slab-wall enclosure within the bounds of the larger enclosure. Funerary structure FS4 is in the background at the edge of the saddle. Lower superficial structure. Funerary structure FS4. The dark-colored mountain underlying the site’s structures.
A heavily impacted enclosure. Note the recently uprooted stones. The pillars and enclosure. Note the well-formed double-course slab walls enclosing the pillars. The pillars and enclosure. Two members of the survey team paying their respects to the pillar. Note the opening in the middle of the east wall. The site’s three pillars. The remains of funerary structure FS3, a single-course quadrate enclosure. Funerary structure FS1, the focus of wanton destruction. The top of funerary structure FS6. Note the large well-formed central depository. In the background is Tarap Tso (<i rta rabs mtsho</i>).

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
