Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

A portion of the castle dispersion. North rim structures at the castle site. Ruined structures on the summit. The single pillar and enclosure. The site’s whimsically-shaped pillar. The site’s inclined pillar. Two intact niches in the rear/upper wall of the structure. The south and west sides of the structure.
The remains of the cubic ceremonial structure. The site’s three pillars. The east and south sides of the site. Note the white chöten (<i>mchod rten</i>)-like tsatsa (<i>tshwa tshwa</i>) receptacle in the background. Long-stone DR2 and the dislodged pillar beside it. Long-stone DR3 and the two dislodged pillars in close proximity. Funerary structure FS13. Funerary structure FS10 (foreground) and funerary structure FS11 (left). The vast Selepuk (<i>se le phug</i>) Basin spreads out in the background. Funerary structure FS4 with members of the survey team.
Funerary structure FS5. Funerary structure FS1. The site, seen from the east. Note the two large “portal” stones that run perpendicular to the masonry course in the wall in the foreground. The site, seen from the southeast. Long-stone DR3. The site, seen from the west. The site’s five pillars. Long-stone DR3.
The site’s pillars. The east funerary enclosure. The north funerary enclosure. The logistical support team peering into the structure. The east side of the structure. Funerary structure FS9. The north and east sides of the structure. Funerary structure FS10.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
