Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

A freestanding wall fragment. The site’s stone and adobe block carcass. A level 3 structure. Level 1 structures. The interior face of the freestanding wall fragment. The interior of the structure. The southwest face of the summit edifice with its extremely high revetment. A rounded corner of the outward projecting revetment of the summit edifice.
The interior of the summit edifice. The southwest and southeast faces of the summit edifice. Note the triangular loopholes in the adobe-block superstructure. South summit complex structures plunging down from the ridge-top, Khar Barma (<i>mkhar bar ma</i>). Remnants of tenpa chidar (<i>bstan pa phyi dar</i>) period frescos in the south summit complex of Khar Barma (<i>mkhar bar ma</i>). The sandstone carcass below Khar Barma (<i>mkhar bar ma</i>). In the background is the settlement and monastery of Toding (<i>mtho lding</i>). The south summit complex of Khar Okma (<i>mkhar ’og ma</i>) . The façade of a cave on the lower slopes below the castle. Note the herringbone courses of masonry in this structure. Two of the three cubic masonry structures enshrined in a cave near the castle.
The approach to the summit complex. A tiny wall fragment in the summit complex. Inaccessible earthen and stone structures on high points. The east sector of the castle. A coherent wall segment of the east sector. A defensive wall fragment on the south rim of the east sector. Structural remains of the castle. The west sector of the castle.
The Rijowa Khangpa (<i>ri jo ba khang pa</i>). The high point of the formation. The formation underlying the castle (the pyramidal hill rising above the right side of the stream). Dissolving revetments on the summit edge. Rubble near the summit of the formation. Structural traces on the  formation summit. The interior of Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>) with local guides. An adobe block upper wall section is visible (right side of image). The southeast structure of the main complex of Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>).

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
