Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Nubchham dancing infront of Kisibi temple Nubchham in full swing Gonpo Gonmo/Nubchham dancers standing to the right side temple Performing Nubchham with offering of Boma Gonpo Gonmo Drangsung and Zhamphela blessing people All Nubchham dancers taking rest People rush towards Gonpo Gonmo for receiving blessing People moving in line receiving blessing
Performing dance circumumbulating the temple and also goes at there particular Doksa Offering Boma to the Gonpo and Gonmo people gathered for receiving blessing Dancers peeping from middle of the Gonpo Gonmo's gut Gonpo in blue mask and Gonmo in white mask Clear close up of Gonpo Gonmo mask during Nubchham Tall and huge  Nubchham dancers Close up picture of Gonpo and Gonmo
Offering of Boma and Dar to the Gonpo Gonmo Zhamphela and Drangsung Dar offering to the Nubchham dancers Offering of Dar in different places known as Doksa Nunchham dancers taking rest at Doksa The mask of Gonpo, Gonmo, Yamphela and Drangsung Tshogpa of Zhungkhar offering Dar to the dancers Nubchham dancers stands and takes rest when people make offering People of different Doksa makes offering of Boma
People makes Boma offering to the Gonpo and Gonmo People gathered around Nubchham dancers to receive blessing Nubchham dancers walking towards Kisibi temple from Doksa People follows Nubchhampa's as Nubchham dancers moves Nubchham performed moving from place to place People follows as Nubchham dance circumambulating the temple Nubchham performed in the meadow to the left of Kisibi temple Dodam (captain) of Bro walking with Nubchham performers
