Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Women of Samling village where we camped for several days. Tawa (young possible monk) at lunch at Puktal Gompa First houses in Namche Bazaar on trail leading up to this Sherpa center Khumbu region, Nepal Bon-Po lama at Phijor gompa. (the lama is the boy who David Snellgrove offered to educate in England in1952) Yak herdsman, with his cooking pot, traditional Tibetan footwaer Boy herding sheep and goats Mother bathing child
"Tibetan" child carpet factory workers at their loom, workday 7 AM to 9 PM - 7 days a week) Bon-Po lamas at Phijor gompa - serving us tea. Daqvid Snellgrove, the Tibetan scholar spent a year there studyting Bon texts - we were warmly received since virtuall no one goes there. Kalachakra Initiation Rite conducted by the Dalai Lama, returning to encampment Rai women harvesting barley Procession of Bon-Po lama and monks from home to field to complete ritual protecting a household from evil spirits. Goats bearing sacks of salt on the trade route from Tibet to Humla Nepal Farm near Phedi A mural painting in {rad nas} Monastery.
