Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa.
Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Statue of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Mural of ? in an inner chapel of the stupa. Close-up of the stupa.
Close-up of the stupa. Close-up of the stupa. The stupa with giant thangka display wall at the top of the hill in the background. Gyantse Kumbum Stupa. Prayer flag pole in the courtyard of Gyantse Monastery ??? of the Gyantse Kumbum Stupa. A peddler of religious wares and her children. The Gyantse Kumbum Stupa and Gyantse Monastery. The Gyantse Kumbum Stupa at twilight.
Yellow hat on the wall outside the Dalai Lama's sleeping quarters. ????? Juniper incense burner on the roof of the monastery. Juniper incense burner on the roof of the monastery. Juniper incense burner in the courtyard of the monastery. Old Tibetan man spinning thread outside the monastery. Young monks on the roof of the monastery. The top of the monastery.
