Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


A view of the Potala Palace from the roof of the Jokhang. The bronze roof of one of the temple buildings. Close-up of a rooftop made of tamarisk branches. ?? The bronze rooftop of one of the temple buildings. Prayer flags on the roof of one of the Jokhang Buildings. Prayer flags on the roof of one of the Jokhang Buildings. A sculpture of a water spirit on the corner of one of the temple roofs. Bronze rooftop statue of a water-spirit (naga).
A sculpture of a water spirit on the corner of one of the temple roofs. A sculpture of a water spirit on the corner of one of the temple roofs. Close-up of carved and painted exterior cornice. Close-up of carved and painted exterior cornice. Close-up of carved and painted exterior cornice. The bronze rooftop of one of the temple buildings. A large mural of Sukhavati, the heaven of the Buddha Amitabha. ?? Antlers and long horns (dungchen) tied with silk scarves to a pillar.
A thangka painting of Pelden Lhamo, the protectress deity of Tibet. Mural of a tantric yabyum deity. An intricately carved door frame blackened by soot. Close-up of a carved and painted capital. A statue of the queen. ?? A pilgrim praying before the statue of a king. ?? Close-up of a carved and painted pillar capital. Close-up of a carved and painted pillar capital.
Close-up of the head of a large statue of Padmasambhava. A row of Buddha statues. Close-up of cornice carved and painted as snow lions, believed to date from the seventh century. Close-up of cornice carved and painted as a snow lion with a human face, believed to date from the seventh century. Close-up of cornice carved and painted as snow lions, believed to date from the seventh century. Tibetan pilgrims passing by a carved and painted column. Close-up of cornice carved and painted as snow lions, believed to date from the seventh century. Close-up of an intricately carved and painted door frame.
