Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


An elderly Tibetan woman. A Tibetan house on the hillside. Forested hills. The ? River. The ? River. A monastery. A monastery. A monastery.
Tibetan houses in a Nyakrong valley. A gorge in Nyakrong. Tibetan children at the monastery. Prayer stones set in walls along the circumambulation route around the monastery. Carved prayer stones near the entrance to the monastery. Stone carvings of Shakyamuni Buddha near the entrance to the monastery. The Assembly Hall and main courtyard. A stupa under construction near the monastery.
A view of the main courtyard and hillside shrine from the top of the Assembly Hall. A banner depicting deer and a wheel of the Dharma hung above the main entrance to the Assembly Hall. A stupa under construction near the monastery. Tourists exiting the upper part of the Assembly Hall. Tourists entering the upper part of the Assembly Hall. The upper part of the Assembly Hall. Murals on the upper walls of the Sangak Potang said to have been painted by Lochen Rinpoche. Murals on the upper walls of the Sangak Potang said to have been painted by Lochen Rinpoche.
An ornate statue of the Buddha Samantabhadra. An ornate statue of the Buddha Samantabhadra. A bronze statue of Longchen Rabjampa. A bronze statue of Longchen Rabjampa. A bronze statue of Longchen Rabjampa. A bronze statue of Longchen Rabjampa and other buddhas. Three monks on the second floor balcony of the Assembly Hall. Bronze statues of Sakya religious sect lamas seen from above. ??
