Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


A close up of the Padmasambhava mask. A dancer dressed as Padmasambhava in the courtyard. A smaller masked dancer (foreground) and a dancer dressed as Padmasambhava (background) in the courtyard. A large thangka painting of Padmasambhava hung on the outer wall of the Assembly Hall. Close up of a large thangka painting of Padmasambhava hung on the outer wall of the Assembly Hall. Two young girls watching the dances. Masked dancers performing in the courtyard. Masked dancers performing in the courtyard.
Masked dancers performing in the courtyard. Black hat dancers performing in the courtyard. A black hat dancer performing in the courtyard. Black hat dancers performing in the courtyard. Black hat dancers descending to the courtyard. A skeleton dancer performing in the courtyard. Skeleton dancers performing in the courtyard.
