Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


A long haired nomad man. A nomad family at the festival. A woman wearing a cloth on her head. A crowd of people gathered around the edge of the field. A young Tibetan girl in the crowd. A Tibetan woman wearing a Golok-style hat. A nomad family watching a performance. Three young nomad women.
A dressed up young Tibetan girl. A dressed up young Tibetan girl. A Tibetan woman wearing a pink shirt and eating a popsicle. A shy young Tibetan girl. A young Tibetan girl. A fancy tent. A fancy tent. A fancy tent.
A Tibetan man and David Germano. A Tibetan man and David Germano. A troupe of dancers with red shirts preparing to perform. People watching performances from a truck. A woman wearing an ornate chuba. An elderly Tibetan woman watching a performance. A nomad watching a performance. A couple of nomads watching the performances.
Tibetans watching performances on the field. Older dancers performing on the field. Older dancers performing on the field. A close up of a Tibetan man laughing. Close up of a young Tibetan woman. Close up of a 14 year old Tibetan girl wearing a baseball cap. A close up of a Tibetan woman watching a performance. Dancers with pink and with white shirts performing on the field.
