Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


A young boy holding sticks of incense near the cairn. A young monk holding the reins of two horses by the prayer flag frame. A young monk holding the reins of two horses. A monk holding the reins of two horses. Four monks talking after offering paper prayer flags. A long-haired nomad man at the prayer flag frame. Horses near the prayer flag frame. A long-haired nomad and a monk talking near the prayer flag frame.
Monks gathering paper prayer flags. Monks near the cairn on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. Monks near the cairn after offering juniper incense to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities.
Monks reciting religious texts on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. Monks reciting religious texts on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Paper prayer flags strewn about the top of one of the hills around Larung Gar.
Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. Monks burning juniper branches as offerings to local deities. People gathered at the prayer flag frame on top of one of the hills around Larung Gar. Monks gathered at the cairn on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. People gathered on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar for the offering ceremony. People offering paper prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. People offering paper prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. Monks offering paper prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar.
