Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


roofers on the smad college assembly hall decorative motif on a building facade entryway smad college debate grounds roofers on the smad college assembly hall lane between smad debate ground and spo 'bor khang tshan smad debate courtyard and spo 'bor khang tshan empty field. #90. jog po bla brang
alley between 'jog po bla brang and the po spyi khang the po spyi khang mtsho smon gling wall special stone a bird a bird cooking pot workers cutting slate smad college assembly hall
former site of several khang tshan-s gung ru khang tshan jog po bla brang the po spyi khang mice burrows monk feeding mice the bo spyi khang NW facade the po spyi khang and spo 'bor spyi khang
jog po bla brang and the po spyi khang bye tsha khang tshan and 'jog po bla brang main circumambulation path byes tsha khang tshan byes tsha khang tshan byes tsha khang tshan mtsho smon gling bla brang toilet cleaning portal, mtsho smon gling bla brang
