Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Millet is planted in unirrigated fields (bari) Ploughing and seeding a maize field Ploughing an unirrigated field (bari) for growing maize Planting paddy-women transplant seedlings Thatched roofs have to be renewed every few years Houses in one of the 'Indreni' settlements Houses and terraced fields Bridge over Mai river below Barbote
Settlements with Mai river valley below Typical dispersed settlements in Ilam district Funerary structure FS2. One of the heaped-stone enclosures. One of the heaped-stone enclosures. Funerary structure FS2. Outlying funerary structure. One of the double-course walls of the pillar enclosure.
The site’s walled pillars. The east complex of the south sector. Note the large cubic boulder beside the structure. Satellite enclosures of the south sector west complex. The north tumulus. The south tumulus. The in situ pillar of the north pillar complex. The north pillar complex. Long-stone DR1 of the south pillar complex.
The south pillar complex. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS 3. Funerary structure FS1. The two funerary structures located west of the temple-tomb. The longitudinal chambers of the temple-tomb. The north face of the temple-tomb. Note the courses of bond-stones and diagonally placed blocks.
