Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Sarki (Dalit) wedding in bazaar – groom's side (janta) arriving Sarki (Dalit) wedding in bazaar – onlookers Sarki (Dalit) wedding in bazaar – the groom Goat caravans carry salt to Terai & return with rice Sheep caravan from Jumla going south to Terai Meeting of Gau Sabha (village assembly) Buildings in bazaar are freshly-painted for Dasain festival Senior civil servant & daughter on Independence Day
Senior civil servants join parade on Independence Day Independence Day ceremony in front of fort (kot) Drummers-dancers entertain on Independence Day Celebrating Independence Day in the bazaar Parade in bazaar to celebrate Independence Day Bazaar residents welcome members of roving court (dodaha) Schoolchildren going to meet the dodaha (roving court) Bringing milk from villages to bazaar shops and houses
Bringing milk from villages to bazaar shops and houses Petty traders (many of them villagers) set up 'shop' on maidan District HQ (gaunda)-seat of the governor Hexagonal fort (kot) in bazaar, HQ of military View of houses in town (bazaar)-the district capital Bazaar street with small stone pillars (vir khamba) Main street in town (bazaar) running north-south Group of stone pillars in typical Western Malla style
Swing for village children Shrine to Bhairab atop Belaspur hill on outskirts of town Belaspur, sacred hill on outskirts of town (bazaar) Man from northern belt of Nepal Himalaya spins at airport Woman spins at airport while awaiting arrival of flight Woman spins at airport while awaiting arrival of flight Dry weather airport becomes a market on day of flight Street with dispersed houses in new town
