Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text


Paddy planting (khet ropain) Preparing irrigated fields (khet) for paddy planting Seeding dry (unirrigated) field (bari) Ploughing field with bullocks Ploughing field with bullocks Ensemble of stone pillars designated as a 'temple complex' Ensemble of stone pillars designated as a 'temple complex' Large stone pillar, one of 22, built in Panchadeval style
There are 22 stone monuments in the village & environs Ensemble of stone pillars some with Buddhist chaitya Village houses are widely dispersed Village houses and terraced fields Village houses and terraced fields Greeting a newly-appointed senior official on his arrival Wives of senior officials in the district administration A tailor, member of the Damai (Dalit) caste
Shopkeeper in bazaar weighs sugar for customer A Newar shopkeeper and his customers in the bazaar Funeral procession to cremation ground at river District judge gives Dasain tika & receives obeisance District governor gives Dasain tika to civil servants Visiting sadhus sit together on the bazaar's maidan Ploughing a field with bullocks in the bazaar A document writer- lekendas (top left)- at work in the bazaar
Employees of the district mal (treasury) office At work in the district mal (treasury) office Head of district mal (treasury) office at his desk Civil servants play badminton after office hours Sarki (Dalit) wedding in bazaar - Badi dancers perform Sarki (Dalit) wedding in bazaar - Badi dancers perform Sarki (Dalit) wedding in bazaar – dancers & drummers Sarki (Dalit) wedding in bazaar - Damai (Dalit) musicians
