Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Plains and Valleys

Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. David Germano. ? Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. David Germano.
Nordun. Tenzin Gyatso and David Germano. ? David Germano. Nordun and David Germano. Nordun. Nordun. Tenzin Gyatso and Nordun.
David Germano. David Germano. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. Professor Tenzin Gyatso, member of the Board of Directors of Larung Gar. A meadow in rural Serta County.
A meadow in rural Serta County. Pelyul Monastery. Pelyul Monastery. A view up the river towards Derge from the Zangdok Pelri Temple. A view of Pelyul Town from the Zangdok Pelri Temple. A juniper incense burner on the first floor of the Zangdok Pelri Temple. Tibetan houses down the hill from the monastery. A view up the river valley towards Derge.

Plains and Valleys in Topic
