Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Great prayer-flag pole

People gathering for Lhagang horse festival Tibetan men racing horses at Lhagang horse festival. Crowd gathered around an injured horse.  Crowd assisting an injured horse.  Crowd milling at the Lhagang Horse Festival  Men walking up a hill at the Lhagang Horse Festival  Men walking up hill at Lhagang Horse Festival.  Men standing around Mountain God altar at Lhagang Horse Festival. 
Spectators at the Lhagang Horse Festival.  Monks gathered at a cairn and prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. The front of the Academic College. The front of the Academic College. A prayer flag pole and wooden stupas down the hill from the Zangdok Pelri Temple. Wooden stupas on the hillside down the hill from the Zangdok Pelri Temple. A temple on the monastery courtyard. A prayer flag alongside the river.

Great prayer-flag pole in Topic
