Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Metals

A young Tibetan couple. Close up of a young Tibetan woman. Close up of a young Tibetan woman. Young Tibetans. Two Tibetan women wearing multiple necklaces. Dressed up young Tibetan women at the festival site. Young Tibetan women wearing black chubas at the festival site. Nomad women and children waiting to see Abbot Dorji Tashi inside the monastery.
Nomad women and children waiting to see Abbot Dorji Tashi inside the monastery. Nomad women and children waiting to see Abbot Dorji Tashi inside the monastery. The audience stands up as the Padmasambhava dancer and his retinue process around the courtyard. A view of the audience and the Padmasambhava dancer. The Padmasambhava and other dancers presiding over the courtyard. Monks making offering to the Padmasambhava and other dancers. The Padmasambhava dancer presiding over the courtyard as other dancers return inside the monastery. A close up of the Padmasambhava mask.
A dancer dressed as Padmasambhava in the courtyard. A smaller masked dancer (foreground) and a dancer dressed as Padmasambhava (background) in the courtyard. Two girls watching the dances. A line of monks wearing yellow hats processing around the courtyard. A procession of monks wearing yellow and red hats and carrying cymbals, religious texts, and parasols. A procession of monks wearing yellow hats and playing clarinets (gyaling) and pole drums. People talking on the stairway before the dances begin. Audience members seated in the courtyard waiting for the dances to begin.
A young woman in the courtyard before the dances. People waiting for the dances to begin. Nomad women waiting for the dances to begin. Nomad women and children waiting for the religious dances to begin. Members of the audience talking before the religious dances begin. Nomads seated along a wall to watch the religious dances. A statue of Avalokitesvara adorned with silk scarves on the second floor of the Zangdok Pelri Temple. Rows of statues of Padmasambhava.

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