Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Present Buddhas

Head of statue being constructed at Lhagang Monastery Head of statue being constructe at Lhagang Monastery Ceremonial throne in front of lineage members at Lhagang Monastery Painting in Lhagang Monastery Painting in Lhagang Monastery A large statue of the Buddha Shakyamuni. A large statue of the Buddha Shakyamuni. A large statue of the Buddha Shakyamuni.
A bronze statue of Buddha Shakyamuni. Mural of the Buddha Amitabha. Many small statues of a Tibetan Lama [bla ma] contained with small receptacles set within the wall. Small statue of Tibetan Lama [bla ma] kept in receptacle within wall. A carving of Amitayus in the prayer stone wall along the side of Derge? Monastery. The principal statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.
A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.

Present Buddhas in Topic
