Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Stream

Meadow and mountain near Dora Gamo.  Roadside scene in Dora Gamo.  Roadside scene in Dora Gamo.  Roadside scene in Dora Gamo.  A crowd of people watching the horse race.  Tibetan men riding horses at Lhagang Hors Festival.  Crowd watching the horse race at Lhagang Horse Festival.  Ornately dressed young man racing. 
Young man racing his horse at the Lhagang Horse Festival.  Tibetan sitting on hill at Lhagang Horse Festival. Stupa near Lhagang city with Shara Latse to the side Mountain viee of stupa near Lhagang town View of small monk's residence near Lhagang town from atop mountain. Unidentified building near Lhagang town.  Tibetan-style home in region outside Lhagang town (Tagong) A young monk sitting on top of the hill.
A Chinese monk, layman, and lamas ascending Jomo Hill. A view down the valley from the road. A view down the valley from the road. A view down the valley from the road. A view down the valley from the road. A view down the valley from the road. A view down the valley from the road. A view down the valley from the road.
A view of prayer flags and wooden stupas on the hillside down from the Zangdok Pelri Temple. A prayer flag pole and wooden stupas down the hill from the Zangdok Pelri Temple. Close-up of the pile of prayer stones near the college. A group of white stupas near the road. The view down valley of Larung Gar. Monks walking towards the central area of Larung Gar [bla rung gar] from the monastic residential area. Monks walking towards the central area of Larung Gar [bla rung gar] from the monastic residential area. Monks in the far end of Larung Gar [bla rung gar].

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