Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in 2005 Tibet Upland Expedition (TUE)

Another view of the outer walls of the south sector of the north complex. The outer walls of the south sector of the north complex. The central chamber of funerary structure FS16. Funerary structure FS16. Funerary structure FS12. Note the remains of the central chamber. The enclosure between funerary structure FS8 and funerary structure FS9. Funerary structure FS6. Funerary structure FS5.
The remains of the central chamber in funerary structure FS5. Funerary structure FS3. The cave’s interior, looking towards the northwest mouth. A close-up of the northwest mouth wall. The remains of the wall barricading the northwest mouth of the cave. The remains of the structure that barricaded the southern cave mouth. The northwest mouth of the cave, with its massive masonry front. The south mouth of the cave is visible in the distance. The formation and remains, from the south.
The only surviving stone wall fragment at the site. The formation and remains, from the north. The central portion of the structure. A close-up of the wall construction. The chöten (<i>mchod rten</i>) complex of Dongpo Okma (<i>gdong po ’og ma</i>). The site’s isolated pillar. The site’s isolated pillar. The site’s isolated pillar.
The site’s isolated pillar. The ruined structure, on the right side of the Pangtra Chu (<i>spang bkra chu</i>). The site’s multi-level cave habitations. The vestiges of a façade enclosing a double-chambered cave. Fire-blackened habitational caves at two levels. The site, seen from the east. Funerary structure FS1. Funerary structure FS3.

2005 Tibet Upland Expedition (TUE) in Topic
