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Photographs in 2004 High Tibet Welfare Expedition (HTWE)

A double-course wall fragment from an ancient funerary structure. The remains of <i>maṇi</i> walls are in the background. The site’s irregularly shaped pillar. The site’s irregularly shaped pillar. The site’s two pillars. The site’s irregularly shaped pillar. The site’s two pillars. In the background is the Drapyé Tsakha (<i>grab ye tshwa kha</i>) Basin. Pillars of Dolhé (<i>rdo lhas</i>). The site’s pillars.
The site’s two pillars. Funerary structure FS7. The smaller funerary structure FS9 can be seen just uphill of funerary structure FS7. The site, seen from the west. The site, seen from the east. The site, seen from the northwest. A member of the survey team sits near the monument. The walled pillars of the site, seen from the east. Funerary structure FS1 can be seen in the background. The site’s walled pillars, seen from the northeast. The site’s unbroken pillar.
Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS8, Gyado Mönra (<i>rgya rdo mon ra</i>) North. The opening in the east wall of the pillar enclosure. Note how this opening is demarcated by two slabs that run perpendicular to the wall course. The site’s unbroken pillar. Funerary structure FS3, Gyado Mönra (<i>rgya rdo mon ra</i>) North. Note the wall dividing the structure into two cells (right side of image). Funerary structure FS4 with the modern corral built inside (foreground), Gyado Mönra (<i>rgya rdo mon ra</i>) North. Funerary structure FS1 with members of the survey team and local guides, Gyado Mönra (<i>rgya rdo mon ra</i>) North. Funerary structure FS1A (?), Gyado Mönra (<i>rgya rdo mon ra</i>) South.
The evenly formed uprooted pillar. The site’s pillars. Members of the survey team taking a much deserved break. The remains of funerary structure FS3. The lone pillar. The lone pillar. The walled pillar. In the upper right hand portion of the image there is a disused corral. Slab-wall fragments of funerary structure FS4.

2004 High Tibet Welfare Expedition (HTWE) in Topic
