Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Sera Monastery (2002)

flagpole in courtyard of Great Assembly Hall Great Assembly Hall view of byes college roof of the Great Assembly Hall roof ornament view from roof of Great Assembly Hall mnga' ris spyi khnag flag pole
view from Great Assembly Hall ornament on the roof of the Great Assembly Hall thang ka display building self-arisen images pagoda on Great Assembly Hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall
smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall
smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall smad college assembly hall

Sera Monastery (2002) in Topic
