Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Duma

A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A bridge in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po Bridge cables in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po
Bridge cables in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po Bridge cables in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po The remains of buildings destroyed by fire in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po The remains of buildings destroyed by fire in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po The remains of buildings destroyed by fire in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po The remains of buildings destroyed by fire in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A bridge in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po Electric lines in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po
Electric lines in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A window in a house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po Architecture detail of a house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po Open pasture near the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po
A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A prayer flag pole near a house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A house in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po Houses in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A bridge gate in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A bridge gate in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po A bridge in the village of bdud ma, in Kong po

Duma in Topic
