Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Degé Monastery (sde dge dgon chen)

Close-up of prayer stones from the prayer stone wall next to Thanggyel Temple. Mani wall by Namgyel Temple at Derge Monastery.  Mani wall by Namgyel Temple at Derge Monastery.  View of entire length of prayer stone wall along the side of Derge Monastery. A white prayer stone in the stone wall along the side of Derge Monastery. A carving of Amitayus in the prayer stone wall along the side of Derge? Monastery. Close-up of individual colored prayer stone in prayer stone wall. Close-up of individual colored prayer stone in prayer stone wall.
Close-up of individual prayer stone in prayer stone wall. A wall of prayer stones next to the Derge monastery. Houses with painted stripes characteristic of Sakya sect religious affiliation. The outer wall of Derge monastery, Sakya order. A house with painted stripes characteristic of Sakya sect religious affiliation near the Derge monastery. The roof of the Derge monastery. A Tibetan woman behind the monastery. Wall with painted stripes characteristic of Sakya sect religious affiliation near the Derge monastery.
Wall with painted stripes characteristic of Sakya sect religious affiliation near the Derge monastery.  View to the left of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of the Academic College. The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of an individual residence of the Academic College at Derge Monastery The residential wing of the Academic College at Derge Monastery.
The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The roof of the Assembly Hall at Derge Monastery. Wall with painted stripes characteristic of Sakya sect religious affiliation near the Derge monastery. Traditional Tibetan lock on the Assembly Hall door at Derge Monastery. Large drum in the Assembly Hall at Derge Monastery. Seats and silk hangings in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. Seats and silk hangings in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.

Degé Monastery (sde dge dgon chen) in Topic
