Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Human

Old Tibetan woman. Tibetan mother and daughter at base of the monastery's hill. Various buildings of the monastery. Close-up of old Tibetan women on hillside of the monastery. Old Tibetan women on hillside of the monastery. Dalai Lama throne in the Assembly Hall. The left side of the Dalai Lama throne in the Assembly Hall. Long haired Tibetan nomad men.
Long haired Tibetan nomad men. Long haired Tibetan nomads. Drango Monastery. Restaurant owner. Tibetan girls in restaurant. Tibetan woman with child on back. Tibetan hotel receptionists. Tibetan woman in store.
Tibetan girls and Chinese woman in hotel. Tibetan girls in hotel. Young Khampa man with red hair tassle. Two Khampa men with red hair tassles. Tibetan girls. Young Tibetan girl and child. Tibetan girl on the street. Tibetan women in the street.
Tibetan kids in front of hotel. Young Tibetan girls. 20 year old women. A 20 year old woman with coral hair ornament. A 20 year old woman with coral hair ornament. 20 year old women. A 20 year old female doctor. A 20 year old woman with coral hair ornament.

Human in Topic
