Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in General Complexes

The front of the temple of Avalokitesvara and the Assembly hall. The front of the temple of Avalokitesvara and the Assembly hall. The temple housing the statue of the 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. A temple on the monastery courtyard. The front of the Assembly Hall as seen from the courtyard. The main entrance of the monastery. View of Larung Gar's Assembly Hall courtyard. Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok [mkhan po 'jigs med phun tshogs], the founder of Larung Gar [bla rung gar] .
View of the Assembly Hall courtyard from the residence of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. View of the Assembly Hall courtyard from the residence of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. View of the Assembly Hall courtyard from the residence of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. Panorama view of the center of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement with the Gyutrul Temple [sgyu 'phrul lha khang] (left) and Visitors Hostel (right) atop the ridge in back. Monks walking home admist personal monastic residences. The view down valley of Larung Gar. Prayer flags outside a monastic personal residence. A stupa made of prayer flags on the outskirts of Larung Gar [bla rung gar].
Monks walking home after attending religious lectures. Monks walking home after attending religious lectures. Monks walking home after attending religious lectures. Monks walking home after attending religious lectures. A monastic personal residence under construction. Monastic personal residences. Monastic personal residences. Monastic personal residences.
Monastic personal residences. Detail of decoration on the exterior of a monastic personal residence. Monastic residences at the far end of the valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement. A view of the Larung Gar religious settlement looking down valley from the monastic residential area on its far side. The view back down the valley from its far end. Monastic residences. Elderly nuns walking near the Assembly Hall ['du khang]. Unidentified building in central part of Larung gar. 

General Complexes in Topic
