Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in decorative motifs on walls

Statue of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Decorations on the first floor interior of the Chinese Temple. Many small statues of a Tibetan Lama [bla ma] contained with small receptacles set within the wall. Small statue of Tibetan Lama [bla ma] kept in receptacle within wall. Many small ceramic statues of the fourteenth-century Tibetan saint Longchenpa contained with small receptacles set within the wall. A ceramic statue of the fourteenth century Tibetan saint Longchenpa [klong chen pa] Gold statues and other statues in back within temple. Dalai Lama throne in the Assembly Hall.
The left side of the Dalai Lama throne in the Assembly Hall. The left side of the Dalai Lama throne in the Assembly Hall. Interior of Assembly Hall. Interior of Assembly Hall. Interior of Assembly Hall. Interior of Assembly Hall. Ornately decorated doors to the main chapel of the Assembly Hall. Ornately decorated doors to the main chapel of the Assembly Hall.

decorative motifs on walls in Topic
