Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in pillars, exterior

Monks gathered in the Assembly Hall's inner courtyard ['du khang] for the morning teachings. Close-up of floral decorations in the Assembly Hall's ['du khang] inner courtyard. Monks listening to religious instruction in the inner courtyard of the Assembly Hall ['du khang] during the morning teachings. The front of the main Assembly Hall ['du khang] of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religous community. The front of the main Assembly Hall ['du khang] of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religous community. Floral decor on the back wall of the Assembly Hall ['du khang]. The main Assembly Hall ['du khang] at Larung Gar [bla rung gar]. Front of Kandze Monastery's Assembly Hall 
Front of Kandze Moanstery's Assembly Hall Close-up of the entrance of the Derge Publishing House. The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of the Derge Publishing House.

pillars, exterior in Topic
