Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in path

Tengye Monastery. Tengye Monastery. Local Tibetans and  Chinese tourists on the roadside. A stream of nuns walking to their own Assemly Hall ['du khang]. A stream of nuns walking to their own Assemly Hall ['du khang]. A stream of nuns walking to their own Assemly Hall ['du khang]. Pelyul City. Pelyul City.
Houses on a hillside. Tibetan houses along a ridgetop. Tibetan boys near small village. Tibetan houses along a ridgetop. A large river plain with small village in distance. A Tibetan house made of logs and earthen walls. A stupa with three other stupas made of piles of rocks. Prayer flags and a stupa made of a pile of rocks along a stream.
Prayer flags and a stupa made of a pile of rocks along a stream. Tibetan girls. A monk washing his boots in the canal. Tibetan houses made of earthen walls and logs. Mani wall by Namgyel Temple at Derge Monastery. 

path in Topic
