Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Plains and Valleys

A nomad encampment near a river. Men on horseback herding yaks across a river. Men on horseback herding yaks across a river. A nomad encampment near the river. Yaks grazing near nomad tents. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the [Larung Gar {bla rung gar}] religious settlement from  the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the [Larung Gar {bla rung gar}] religious settlement from  the Nunnery Hill.
Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the [Larung Gar {bla rung gar}] religious settlement from  the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill.
Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view up valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. Panorama view down valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill.
Panorama view down valley of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] religious settlement from the Nunnery Hill. The view down valley of Larung Gar. A stupa made of prayer flags on the outskirts of Larung Gar [bla rung gar]. The view back down the valley from its far end. The Lay Religious Center at Larung Gar [bla rung gar]. The Lay Religious Center at Larung Gar [bla rung gar]. A forest of prayer flags on poles just down valley from the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] Nunnery. Young Tibetan girl on the hillside of the Larung Gar [bla rung gar] Nunnery.

Plains and Valleys in Topic
