Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Collections

Workers curing wood blocks used in making traditional Tibetan texts. A view of the building from a second floor window. Shelves of wood blocks used in making traditional Tibetan texts. Workers making prints from wood blocks on pages dyed yellow. A worker printing pages from a wood block. A worker printing pages from a wood block. Wood blocks used to print prayer flags. Workers printing pages from a wood block.
A wood block used to print images of Shakyamuni Buddha. Close up of a wood block for a page from �The Collected Texts of the Ancients.� A roller used for pressing pages onto inked wood blocks. A tray holding recently inked pages. A rack of wood blocks about to be inked to make a text. A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.
A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Derge Monatsery's protector deity in the Assembly Hall with offering scarves. A statue of derge Monastery's protector deity in the Assembly Hall with offering scarves. Close-up of the door of Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. Courtyard of Derge Monastery as seen from inside main entrance of the Assembly Hall. Close-up of the woodcarving above the main entrance to Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. The front of Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.
The front of Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. The front of Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. The courtyard of Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. Rows of prayer wheels in the entrance to Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.  Alley between houses leading to Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. Tibetan woman with rosary in left hand. Close-up of house with painted stripes characteristic of Sakya [sa skya] sect religious affiliation. Tibetan woman with turquoise hair ornament.

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