Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Collections

A mural of the wheel of life in the entrance portico of the Assembly Hall. A mural of the wheel of life in the portico of the Assembly Hall. Monks playing pole drums and cymbals in the courtyard. Monks playing pole drums and cymbals in the courtyard. The prayer flag pole in the monastery's main courtyard. The facade of the Assembly Hall. A young Tibetan girl carrying a baby on her back. A hillside shrine with prayer flags.
A hillside shrine with prayer flags. Two young Tibetan boys. Young Tibetan girls on an amusement park ride. error with this file ?? A Tibetan family taking a break by the pond. A Tibetan family taking a break by the pond. A Tibetan family taking a break by the pond. A Tibetan family taking a break by the pond.
A Tibetan family taking a break by the pond. A Tibetan family taking a break by the pond. Tibetan children on the ferris wheel. Tibetan-American girls playing bumper cars. A Tibetan woman visiting the household. A young Tibetan boy visiting the family. A Tibetan man visiting the family with his young child. Two young Tibetan girls visiting the nunnery.
Two lay Tibetan girls visiting the nunnery. A nun at the altar in her room. A nun before the altar in her room. The Tsokyil Podrang, a small island temple (the lake is dry). ?? The Tsokyil Podrang, a small island temple (the lake is dry). ?? The Tsokyil Podrang, a small island temple (the lake is dry). ?? The Tsokyil Podrang, a small island temple (the lake is dry). ?? The Takten Mingyur Podrang, the palace of the 14th Dalai Lama.

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