Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Collections

A view up the river valley towards Derge. A row of painted prayer wheels. Prayer wheels wrapped in animal hides. A juniper incense burner built on top of a small wooden building. A view of monastic residences from the courtyard in front of the monastery's main halls. A view of monastic residences from the courtyard in front of the monastery's main halls. A mural of Padmasambhava. A mural of Padmasambhava.
A statue of a buddha. A statue of a buddha. A statue of a buddha. A statue of a buddha. A statue of a buddha. A statue of a buddha. A statue of a buddha. A statue of a buddha.
A statue of a buddha. A statue of a buddha. A statue of the future Buddha Maitreya. A statue of the future Buddha Maitreya. A statue of a yogi. A statue of a yogi. A statue of a yogi. A stupa.
A statue of a standing attendant. A statue of the Buddha Vajrasattva. A statue of the Buddha Vajrasattva. A statue of a standing attendant. A statue of a standing attendant. A statue of a lama. A statue of a lama. A statue of a lama.

Collections in Topic
