Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Collections

A painted rock carving of Green Tara. A view of the Potala Palace and Lhasa from the monastery. A view of the Potala Palace and Lhasa from the monastery. Some monastery buildings. The recently built wall from which large embroidered thangkas are hung during festivals. A painted rock carving of a Geluk religious sect lama. A painted rock carving of Vajrabhairava. A painted rock carving of the founder of the monastery, Sakya Yeshe.
A monk debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. A monk debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Two monks speaking with David Germano in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard.
Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. Monks debating religious topics in the debate courtyard. A statue of Shakyamuni Buddha adorned with silk scarves. Shelves of traditional Tibetan religious texts. The main image of the Assembly Hall, a large statue of Shakyamuni Buddha. The main image of the Assembly Hall, a large statue of Shakyamuni Buddha.
Nomad women and children waiting to see Abbot Dorji Tashi inside the monastery. Nomad women and children prostrating before Abbot Dorji Tashi. Nomad women and children waiting to see Abbot Dorji Tashi inside the monastery. Nomad women and children waiting to see Abbot Dorji Tashi inside the monastery. Snow lion and other dancers performing in the courtyard. The audience stands up as the Padmasambhava dancer and his retinue process around the courtyard. One of the masked dancers offering a silk scarf to Abbot Dorji Tashi. Three masked dancers performing in part of the courtyard.

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