Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in printing

Printing of traditional Tibetan texts using woodblocks, ink, and paper. Printing of traditional Tibetan texts using woodblocks, ink, and paper. Printing of traditional Tibetan texts using woodblocks, ink, and paper. Pot of ink used in printing traditional Tibetan texts. Printing of traditional Tibetan texts using woodblocks, ink, ink roller, and paper. Printing of traditional Tibetan texts using woodblocks, ink, inkroller, and paper. Shelves of woodblocks used in printing traditional Tibetan texts. Shelves of woodblocks used in printing traditional Tibetan texts.
Woodblock curers. Recently cured woodblocks which will later be used to print traditional Tibetan texts. Curing woodblocks used in printing traditional Tibetan texts. Curing woodblocks used in printing traditional Tibetan texts. Curing woodblocks used in printing traditional Tibetan texts. Curing woodblocks used in printing traditional Tibetan texts. Illustrations of dreams in book written on dreaming by Tulku Tenzin Gyatsho [sprul sku bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho]. Illustrations of dreams in book written on dreaming by Tulku Tenzin Gyatsho [sprul sku bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho].

printing in Topic
