Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Architecture

Tea house in Lhagang hotel.  Hotel room in Lhagang.  Beautifully painted room in hotel in Lhagang.  Beautifully painted room in Lhagang hotel.  Hotel worker in Lhagang hotel.  Beautiful tea house in hotel in Lhagang.  Beautiful tea house in hotel in Lhagang. 
Sign for a tea house and hotel in Lhagang.  Window on building in Lhagang town.  Intricately-decorated doors on building in Lhagang. A monastic residence under construction. Tibetan houses along the river. A monastic residence. The front of the Academic College.
The Zangdok Pelri Temple. Zangdok Pelri Temple. Zangdok Pelri Temple. A Tibetan household near the monastery. A Tibetan style office building. Tibetan houses and a stupa on a hillside. David Germano by a stupa with platform and columns. A stupa with platform and columns just outside a small village on Tsopo Hill.
A stupa with unusual platforms and columns. Field of stupas near the monastery. Field of stupas near the monastery. Field of stupas near the monastery. Field of stupas near the monastery. Field of stupas near the monastery. Field of stupas near the monastery. Field of stupas near the monastery.

Architecture in Topic
