Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Art

Detail of the statue of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Detail of the statue of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Detail of the statue of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Statue of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Statue of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Statue of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Statue of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Entrance to the inner mandala of the Gyutrul Temple with classical decorations representing a palace entrance.
Entrance to the inner mandala of the Gyutrul Temple with classical decorations representing a palace entrance. Entrance to the inner mandala of the Gyutrul Temple with classical decorations representing a palace entrance. External dectorations of the Gyutrul Temple [sgyu 'phrul lha khang] representing classical palace features. Ornate miniature gateway and small ceramic statues representing a mandala in the Gyutrul Temple [sgyu 'phrul lha khang]. Ceramic statue of the deity Vajrasattva in a chapel devoted to him. Ceramic statue of the deity Vajrasattva in a chapel devoted to him. Many small statues of a Tibetan Lama [bla ma] contained with small receptacles set within the wall. Small statue of Tibetan Lama [bla ma] kept in receptacle within wall.
Many small ceramic statues of the fourteenth-century Tibetan saint Longchenpa contained with small receptacles set within the wall. A large statue of the eighth-century Indian saint Padmasmabhava. A large statue of the eighth-century Indian saint Padmasmabhava. A ceramic statue of the fourteenth century Tibetan saint Longchenpa [klong chen pa] A statue of Indian consort Mandarava located to the right of a larger statue of the Indian saint Padmasambhava. A statue of his Tibetan consort Yeshe Tsogyel located to the left of a larger statue of the Indian saint Padmasambhava. Gold statues and other statues in back within temple. Large painted prayer wheel.
An elaborately decorated stupa inside a small shrine. A monk standing in front of Zangdok Pelri Temple. Zangdok Pelri Temple. Statue of snow lion at the door to the monastery. Statue of snow lion at the door to the monastery ?. Painted door to Main Assembly hall of Kandze Monastery.  Ornately decorated doors to the chapel devoted to the monastery's protector deity. Close-up of lintel above doors to the chapel devoted to the monastery's protector deity.

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