Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Monks picking up paper prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. Monks picking up paper prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. Monks offering paper prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. Monks offering paper prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. A cairn and prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. A cairn and prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. Monks gathered at a cairn and prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar. Monks gathered at a cairn and prayer flags on top of one of the hills above Larung Gar.
Chinese monks and lamas on one of the hills above Larung Gar. Chinese monks and lamas on one of the hills above Larung Gar. A retreat cabin in the hills above Larung Gar. A retreat cabin in the hills above Larung Gar. A view of Larung Gar from one of the hills surrounding it. A monk's solitary residence in the hills above Larung Gar. Two thangkha paintings behind a row of butter lamps A juniper incense burner on top of a small wooden cabin.
A juniper incense burner built on top of a small wooden building. An altar with offering bowls, silk scarves, incense burner, and tormas at the foot of a large statue. The college courtyard's juniper incense burner. Offerings at the base of the status of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Offerings at the base of the status of 1000-armed, 1000-eyed Avalokitesvara. Smaller orphanage building with juniper incense burner. A smaller orphanage building. View of Larung Gar's Assembly Hall courtyard.
On the roof of the residence of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. Chinese pilgrims at the door to residence of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. View of the Assembly Hall courtyard from the residence of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. View of the Assembly Hall courtyard from the residence of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. View of the Assembly Hall courtyard from the residence of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. Chinese pilgrims waiting to see Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. Chinese pilgrims waiting to see Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the founder of Larung Gar. Tibetans prostrating to the Gyutrul Temple [sgyu 'phrul lha khang].

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