Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Monastery

Drango Monastery. A carving of Amitayus in the prayer stone wall along the side of Derge? Monastery. A wall of prayer stones next to the Derge monastery. The outer wall of Derge monastery, Sakya order. The roof of the Derge monastery. View to the left of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of the Academic College.
The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of an individual residence of the Academic College at Derge Monastery The residential wing of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The front of the Academic College at Derge Monastery. The roof of the Assembly Hall at Derge Monastery. Traditional Tibetan lock on the Assembly Hall door at Derge Monastery. Large drum in the Assembly Hall at Derge Monastery.
Seats and silk hangings in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. Seats and silk hangings in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. Silk hangings in the Assembly Hall at Derge Monastery. A mural of Green Tara in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A mural of four-headed Vairocana in the Assembly Hall at Derge Monastery. Simple tormas made of roasted barley flour in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? on throne in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.
A statue of Mandarava to the left of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Yeshe Tsogyel to the right of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. The principal statue of Padmasambhava in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of Shakyamuni in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Degre Monastery's Assembly Hall. A statue of ? in Derge Monastery's Assembly Hall.

Monastery in Topic
