Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Bhutan

Bushes near subba girl's house which is no more now Side view of a stone wall of a subba girl's house Remaining stone wall of a subba girl's house View from D Bindu village Orchard where farmers grow banana House that we can mostly see in remote areas of southern Bhutan The chorten surrounded by prayer flags Chorten surrounded by prayer flags in middle of the fields
Cemented stone where name of the place is writen Closer view of the cemented stone where name of the place is writen We can see a small dam where people generate electricity Front view of a class room of Tendu School The tree is planted right next to the assembly ground The tree is right beside the assembly ground and below the class rooms It's a place where students have their lunch and take rest It's a place where students gather every mprning to offer their morning prayers before starting their class
Side view of a class building of Tendu School Old classrooms yet strong Side view of the enterance rood of Tendu School Eentrance rood of Tendu School Pray hall of Tendu School where students offer their evening prayers Back view of a class room building of Tendu School Side view of a class room of Tendu School The designs made out of earthen pots
Chotren right inside the school gate School gate of Tendu School Picture of a school signboard made up of woods A temporary house in gurung busti. A paddy field where most of the farmers grow rice for self consumption. A motor road that connects to different gewogs of Samtse dzongkhags Transmission Line just below Ghari Village A woman waring Dhungri in her noise.

Bhutan in Places
