Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Jigme

It's a cooking pot It's a cane basket use to store fish A mug made out of drying a vegetable. Scarf wore during Lhop's festival Heavy rounded stone used for crushing and grinding A cup shaped crushing cup It's a wooden container used to store butter People use it while milking a cow
The main thing with which women start their early household work Important friend of a men during old age and while taking longer walk on hills People use the wooden spade while plating maize in their fields iIt's used to cut the grass and crops It's used to keep arrow Ra am is a  local name of maize Blanket is know as lobbay in their local language Storing basket called wang
Locally produced earthen jar to store alcohol The instrument which helps the farmers in sorting out the grain from chaff It's larger cane basket to store seeds for longer period It's a pot used to brew local alcohol The holed trunk is used while brewing local alcohol It's a pot where tea is being prepared Cane sieve used to sieve grains and also separating soluble and insoluble Measuring basket that are used by the farmers
Locally cane woven plates used by most of the Bhutanese Storage of the ladles and other stuff Traditional men dress It's a locally produced cane basket for storing cheese,eggs, etc Swing for the infants Such knife are used in cutting a stronger objets Green cardamom plant after collecting the seed The source of egg to the family

Jigme in Places
