Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

Funerary structure FS2 from the west. Funerary structure FS52, the site’s largest terraced tomb. Funerary structure FS131. Funerary structure FS83. Funerary structure FS3 (foreground) and funerary structure FS4 (background). Funerary structure FS7. The pillar array. The site, seen from the west.
The site, seen from the south. The huge massif of Takri Trawo (<i>stag ri khra bo</i>)/Nemo Nanyi (<i>gnas mo sna gnyis</i>) can be seen in the distance. The lone pillar. The lone pillar. The pillar array. Note how the pillars have weathered to a distinctive red color. The site, seen from the north. A member of the survey team photographing the pillar. The deeply inset entranceway to the castle. The castle from the south.
The east and north sides of the castle. The east face of the castle. The north side of the castle carcass. Habitational ruins below the castle. The large castle structures. The details of one of the rooms in the castle. The axial corridor is near the middle of the image. The interior of the castle. Note the axial corridor that runs through the middle of the image.
Looking north across the castle. The south side of the castle. Residential structures on the west side (left) of the axial corridor and the row of east side apartments to the right of the corridor. Remains of the east row apartments. Note the large opening in the wall that that abuts the axial corridor. The large castle hulk. The southeast corner of the castle. South wing compartments. Note the remnants of the evenly spaced partition walls. Extensive hill-top  structural remains.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
