Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

A corral at the site. A pile of rubble. Survey members attempting to measure the structural dispersion. The north side of the pillar with its broken top set in place. The tabular pillar, with its broken top set in place. Note the thinness of this tabular pillar. The north side of the tabular pillar. Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS1 (foreground) and appended edifice (right).
The appended edifice. The array of pillars and appended edifice. The array of pillars and appended edifice. The site’s four pillars. The site’s pillars. The “mön” (<i>mon</i>) tomb of Riu Gyamchung (<i>ri’u gyam chung</i>). One of the funerary superstructures at Khorchen (<i>’khor chen</i>). Funerary structure FS2.
Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS1. Members of the survey team are measuring the funerary superstructure. The array of pillars and appended edifice in profile. The array of pillars and appended edifice. The array of pillars. Note the many collapsed specimens among the standing pillars. Funerary structure FS8. Tarap Tso (<i>rta rabs mtsho</i>) is just visible in the upper left corner of the image. Also in the background, the snow peaks of Orok Gangri (<i>o rog gangs ri</i>), the local territorial deity (<i>yul lha</i>) are visible. Funerary structure FS4. Other specimens of the southwest group are situated on or near the spine of the ridge. Funerary structure FS3.
Funerary structure FS4. Funerary structure FS1. The ancillary ovoid enclosure of FS2. The site’s lone pillar. The site’s lone pillar. The site’s lone pillar. The north face of the in situ pillar. Note the way in which the light-colored granite has turned red in color. The site, seen from the northwest.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
