Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

Funerary structure FS9. Funerary structure FS16. The survey team’s camp is in the background. Funerary structure FS4. Funerary structure FS5 (foreground) and funerary structure FS4 (background). The Rukyok Tsangpo (<i>ru skyog gtsang po</i>) is barely visible in the background. Funerary structure FS1. Note the large stone members lying inside the enclosure. Residential structure RS6. Residential structure RS5. Residential structure RS4.
Residential structure RS3. Residential structure RS1. The east side of the site. The site as seen from the north. The west room of the south/forward row. Note the in situ corbel attached to the rear wall. The site as seen from the south. The site as seen from the northwest. Funerary structure FS9 (?).
Funerary structure FS2. Funerary structure FS1. Note how this structure is prominently elevated above the surrounding terrain. The author leaning against one of the in situ pillars. The site’s pillars. Note the many collapsed pillars. The site’s standing and collapsed pillars. The longer east and west sides of the enclosure are easily discernable in this image. The Uttaranchal Himalaya can be seen in the very distance. Funerary structure FS11. The base of the central chamber is clearly visible. Funerary structure FS9.
Funerary structure FS6. The top of funerary structure FS1. The forward side of funerary structure FS1. The ceremonial structure. The interior of the upper dokhang (<i>rdo khang</i>). Note the in situ roof assembly. The detail of the opening in the south wall. The south wall of the temple. Note the long, dark stone member in the bottom right-hand corner of the image. An early Buddhist plaque carved with the <i>maṇi mantra</i>.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
