Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Tibet Autonomous Region

A close up of a scene depicting birds and fish on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting various birds and fish on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A close up of the the border between two scenes on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A close up of a scene depicting water spirits, a crab, and fish on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A close up of a scene depicting water spirits and fish on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting two buddhas in the sky on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting an elephant and various lay figures on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting Shakyamuni Buddha and various disciples on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor.
A scene depicting a lake, trees, and animals on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting a lake, trees, and animals on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting a lake, trees, and animals on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A close up of various figures in the mural on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting Shakyamuni Buddha and various disciples on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting Shakyamuni Buddha and various disciples on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting Shakyamuni Buddha and various disciples on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting various animals on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor.
A scene depicting various figures on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting lay people and an animal on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting lay people and an animal on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting lay people and an animal on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene depicting lay people and an animal on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. Scenes on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene of Shakyamuni Buddha and a lay disciple on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene of Shakyamuni Buddha and a lay disciple on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor.
A scene of Shakyamuni Buddha and a lay disciple on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. Rows of buddhas on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. Rows of buddhas on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene of a white buddha on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. A scene from the life of Shakyamuni Buddha on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. Close up of a scene of a king on the walls of the inner circumambulation corridor. Close up of the green roof of the Assembly Hall.

Tibet Autonomous Region in Places
