Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Resources Associated with Gyaplung Doring

Photographs in Gyaplung Doring

The site’s two rooted pillars. Note the sacred Bon lake Gunggyü Tso (<i>gung rgyud mtsho</i>) in the background. The shorter in situ pillar. The site’s still standing and uprooted pillars. The tallest in situ pillar. Gunggyü Tso (<i>gung rgyud mtsho</i>) can just be made out in the background.
Funerary structure FS5. Funerary structure FS3. Funerary structure FS1 in the foreground with other enclosures visible. The two standing stelae are faintly visible near the upper right corner of the image. Funerary structure FS2.

Gyaplung Doring in Places
