Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Jangdé Doring

The central pillars of Jangdé Doring (<i>byang sde rdo ring</i>) East. Looking north towards the enclosing ridge, Jangdé Doring (<i>byang sde rdo ring</i>) East. Looking east towards Jangdé Doring (<i>byang sde rdo ring</i>) East. The east complex. Note the opening in the middle of the east wall (foreground). The view north from Jangdé Doring (<i>byang sde rdo ring</i>) West. The four pillars of Jangdé Doring (<i>byang sde rdo ring</i>) West.

Jangdé Doring in Places
