Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Chuti Khar

The interior of Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>) with local guides. An adobe block upper wall section is visible (right side of image). The southeast structure of the main complex of Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>). The entranceway corridor, Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>). The lower room of Chuti Khar (<i>chu sti mkhar</i>). The main complex of Uti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>). The lower ruins on the edge of the defile are those of Wuti Gön (<i>dbu sti dgon</i>) and the upper ones are Chuti Khar (<i>chu sti mkhar</i>). The defile of Riwa (<i>ri ba</i>). The stronghold (not visible) is situated on the right side of the defile. In the foreground are Buddhist ruins.

Chuti Khar in Places
